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Wasp control
To get a bit technical, wasps are insects in the hymenoptera order and the apocrita sub-order. Wasps are often mistaken for bees and confused with other stinging insects. Wasps are notorious for building their nests right in places where people like to gather, like around your deck or under the eaves of your roof in your backyard. These stinging insects are also well known for viciously defending their nests.
Wasps come in all shapes and sizes. Unlike bees, some wasps are solitary while others thrive in large colonies. Some wasps survive entirely on nectar from plants, but others are parasitic and will attack other insects. They have a painful sting, and unlike bees, wasps do not leave their stingers behind. That means they can sting someone over and over again – which makes them particularly painful pests.
At Lady Killers Pest Control Exterminator, we are your wasp control professionals, we know how to find wasp nests and safely remove them so that you don’t have to worry about being stung.
We will do a quick phone assessment and arrange an appointment at your property.
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- Child & pet friendly treatments
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Types of wasps in Midwestern U.S.
In the Midwestern United States, certain wasp species are more common than others. Depending on the type of wasp you are having issues with will decide how your Lady Killers Pest Control Exterminator pest specialist will apply treatment.
- Yellowjackets – Yellowjackets are social wasps that live in colonies with workers, males and queens. The queen yellowjacket typically emerges between late February through early April
- Bald-faced hornet – The bald-faced hornet is known for its aggressive nature. They squirt venom from their stinger into the eyes of nest intruders.
- Paper wasp – Paper wasps aren’t as aggressive as yellowjackets and bald-faced hornets but they can deliver a powerful sting.
- Black and yellow mud dauber – The mud daubers build nests in the mud and while they will sting a human, they rarely do.
- European woodwasp – This invasive wasp bores into the trunks of dead or dying trees.
Signs of wasp infestation
Wasps create their nests from chewed wood or mud (depending on the species). The first sign that you have a wasp problem is seeing increased wasp activity around your property. Areas where wasps might set up nests include:
- Attics and rafters
- Eaves or any kind of overhang
- Garages, sheds and outlying buildings
- Playground equipment and swing sets
- Barbecue grills
- Decks, pools and around patio
Although a wasps nest should not be disturbed, as you can see from that list, they often make their homes in places where they are likely to run into humans.
Dealing with a wasps nest can be very dangerous and that’s why if you think you have a wasp problem a Lady Killers Pest Control wasp control professional should be called.
How to avoid a wasp sting
First off, a wasp sting hurts. When their nests are threatened or disturbed, they will attack whatever that threat is. Given that a single wasp can sting multiple times, a number of attacking wasps can cause serious harm. Their stings do carry venom, which may be life-threatening to someone who is allergic to stings. Wasp stings can also be painful or get infected even if you don’t have allergies.
Wasp nests
Ground nests, paper nests and mud daubers are the most common types of wasp nests homeowners have issues with. Mud daubers are wasp nests made of mud. Luckily, mud dauber wasps are more of a nuisance rather than a threat and rarely sting humans.
Ground nests house ground digger wasps and females will sting if provoked. Paper wasp nests are typically found hanging under gutters, porch steps or hanging off tree branches. Common species of paper wasps include the European paper wasp and the Asian giant hornet.
It is possible to remove wasp nest on your own but it’s not recommended. It’s best for you to avoid DIY wasp nest removal because of the amount of risk associated with it and the average homeowner is unaware of the steps and precautions one must take to remove it. If you find a wasp’s nest do not take any chances. Trying to knock down the nest or using other methods can backfire and you end up under attack.
At Lady Killers Pest Control, we know how to find nests and use the right safety equipment and treatments. We also seal up any entry points that have allowed wasps into your property and help you prevent their return. Leave wasp control to the professionals at Lady Killers Pest Control.
How to get rid of wasps
It’s common to find wasps outdoors, but what happens if they fly into your home? Discovering a wasp in your home can be unsettling, especially if you or someone else has an allergy to wasp stings.
If you see one wasp it’s possible that there is a wasp nest somewhere in your home. Wasp nests are frequently found in the attics of homes or other tucked away places.
While we recommend always calling a professional pest control provider, below you’ll find some DIY tips to help you with wasp control in your home.
- Wasp spray – If you choose to try a wasp spray, there are a few things you should consider. Before applying the spray, read the instructions listed on the container. We also recommend that you try to isolate the wasp in a room away from pets and children. Rather than spraying a large cloud of pest control product and hoping the wasp will fly through it, aim and directly spray the wasp.
- Flyswatter – If you don’t have pesticide spray but have quick reflexes, try using a flyswatter. Be careful though because if you miss, the wasp might fly after you.
- A soda bottle trap – A simple soda bottle trap with watered-down dish soap is another DIY wasp trap option. Be sure to clean out the trap regularly so the trap doesn’t overfill.