Call us for a free quote: Vicki (906) 202-0812 or Ang (920) 737-8349 or contact us
Cockroach pest control
If you have ever lived in a city, you have probably run across roaches. They are the most common pest around the world and they are everywhere. It is estimated that there are 4,600 species of roach, 25-30 of which are associated with human habitations.
Roaches can be disturbing to find in your home, which is bad enough, but they are also known to contribute to carrying a number of diseases, which is why getting a professional roach control and removal specialist is so important. Cockroaches are filthy insects with bad habits you do not want around your home or food prep areas. Controlling roaches is important because they can help spread disease and dirt around a home and cause businesses to lose their reputation or even be shut down.
Hiring professionals is key for cockroach control rather than trying DIY methods.
We will do a quick phone assessment and arrange an appointment at your property.
- Contact Vicki or Ang
- We'll return your call as soon as possible
We will discuss your pest problem, arrange a survey, and provide a quote and recommendations.
- Schedule an appointment
- Solutions tailored to your pest problem
- Certified Professionals
Our certified specialists will come out to provide your treatment.
- Environmentally sensitive approach
- Child & pet friendly treatments
We'll make as many visits as required to ensure your problem is resolved.
- Guaranteed solutions
- Ongoing Prevention Service
Know your cockroach
Although there are numerous species of roaches around the planet, the ones that are most common for home or business owners are:
- German cockroach – these roaches prefer to live and breed indoors and most often found around your kitchen or scurrying around your bathroom.
- American cockroach – found in basements and kitchens, but prefer to breed outdoors and live on trees.
- Oriental cockroach – dark black or brown in color they love cool, damp areas. These are a health concern because they love to feed on garbage and decaying things.
The problem: roaches are tough
Roaches have been around for a long time. The fossil record shows signs of roaches going back as far as 350 million years. You don’t get to survive that long on this planet without being hard to kill!
Some roach facts to be aware of:
- German roaches are the fastest reproducing species of pest roaches. A single female and her offspring can produce over 30,000 individuals within a year.
- Roaches can live anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months without food or water depending on the species.
- Considerable health risks are caused by roaches contaminating food and triggering asthma/allergy attacks.
How to prevent cockroaches
While you should always contact pest control professionals if you have an active infestation of cockroaches, there are steps you can take to prevent cockroaches from gaining entry to your home or business.
- Eliminate food sources – store dry foods in tightly sealed containers or in sealed plastic bags and do not leave food sitting out on counters. Do not leave liquids in sinks or buckets.
- Clear all waste food and liquid spillage – clean up food debris from food preparation areas, under sinks and appliances. Empty garbage cans on a daily basis and keep all garbage or compost in sealed bins.
- Remove pet food – and drink and litter trays before nightfall.
Rinse cans, bottles and plastics – before putting them in recycling bins. - De-clutter – remove old stacks of newspapers and magazines, unused cardboard boxes and all other forms of clutter from the floor or bottom of cupboards. Cockroaches release an aggregation pheromone in their droppings telling others they have found a safe harborage.
- Varnish or paint wood shelves – to seal them, and wipe them clean regularly.
- Seal entry points – to deny access to cockroaches. Key risks are gaps around pipes, drains and common walls with neighboring properties when dealing with German, Oriental and American cockroaches. Even tiny cracks around skirting boards and behind electrical sockets should be plugged to reduce potential hiding areas.
Business and Residential roach control exterminators
Lady Killers Pest Control are experts in controlling roaches who know how to get rid of roaches from your property. It’s what we do. Our certified and trained specialists will be able to look at your space and the structures around your property and determine where they are coming from. We can eliminate the infestation using the right methods for your business, home, and your family.
We like to take a fully integrated approach to our roach control services. Our cockroach pest control solutions will seek out their hiding spaces to get rid of the infestation and then offer solutions to prevent cockroaches from returning. Once our exterminator team member figures out where the bugs are getting in, we help find solutions that will stop them from coming back.
Remember, it takes a professional in roach removal and prevention to fully rid your home or building of a roach infestation. Roaches are normally nocturnal, so you really need to call us if you start seeing roaches during the day. That could mean the infestation is rather large or their normal home has been disturbed for any of a variety of reasons such as construction or building demolitions.
Get rid of cockroaches with Lady Killers Pest Control
The first thing that a Lady Killers Pest Control pest specialist will do is talk to you about the problem. First, they need to be sure that the insects you’ve seen are actually cockroaches. Second, they need to have some idea of where the trouble spots are. Finally, if you happen to give a very good description of the roaches you’re seeing, they might even have some idea of the species.
A thorough inspection of your property will allow us to find typical signs of cockroaches and identify any potential shelter sites. You can trust the experts at Lady Killers Pest Control to properly eliminate your cockroach problem and get you back to being pest-free.
Our services and benefits
- Regular inspections – this even includes night-time inspections. Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures and night-time inspections will better reveal any hiding areas on your premises.
- Certified pest specialists – We have a team of reliable, qualified and experienced professionals local to you and based throughout the Upper Peninsula.
- Safe, targeted treatments – We minimize the risk of insecticides in the home by using non-toxic products, which are highly targeted at the crevices where cockroaches hide. We will discuss your needs and the needs of your family, employees or customers to find the right one. We work within all community laws in dealing with roaches and the use of chemicals to treat them.
- Expert knowledge – Our knowledge about the habits of cockroach species enables us to provide the most efficient methods of control.
- Convenient treatment times – Our discreet treatments are carried out at times convenient to you to minimize disruption to your business or home life.
- Hassle-free solutions – Suitable for homes and even highly sensitive business environments, our non-toxic bait and ULV fogger service can resolve cockroach problems effectively.
- Long-term support – Our specialists will arrange follow up visits (if they are needed) to re-treat the identified hiding spots at an interval that coincides with the hatching time of the cockroach egg cases (oothecae). We can continue to monitor for signs of activity through the use of our insect monitor unit (IMU) suitable for use in even sensitive business environments.
Think you have roaches?
Our Lady Killers Pest Control specialists are skilled, experienced professionals – they are state certified, licensed specialists and are required to participate in regular training programs to maintain their expertise.
If you think that you have cockroaches, the first step is to call Vicki (906) 202-0812 or Ang (920) 737-83495 or use our online contact form to tell us what the problem is. We’ll respond fast and provide you with cockroach removal and cockroach prevention methods that will work.