Call us for a free quote: Vicki (906) 202-0812 or Ang (920) 737-8349 or contact us
Ticks are arachnids, which puts them into the same class as spiders and other eight-legged creepy-crawlers. They are very small, with most species barely bigger than the head of a pin, and they feed entirely on blood in order grow and reproduce. They are insidious pests, latching on to animals like deer, mice, rats, squirrels, birds, dogs, cats – and humans.
Ticks are notorious pests known for the diseases that they carry and transmit. The most famous of those is Lyme disease, which can have crippling lifelong symptoms.
Lady Killers Pest Control local tick prevention professionals will determine if you have a tick infestation, stop it, and help you prevent ticks from returning. You just need to call Vicki (906) 202-0812 or Ang (920) 737-8349 or use the online form to schedule an appointment.
We will do a quick phone assessment and arrange an appointment at your property.
- Contact Vicki or Ang
- We'll return your call as soon as possible
We will discuss your pest problem, arrange a survey, and provide a quote and recommendations.
- Schedule an appointment
- Solutions tailored to your pest problem
- Certified Professionals
Our certified specialists will come out to provide your treatment.
- Environmentally sensitive approach
- Child & pet friendly treatments
We'll make as many visits as required to ensure your problem is resolved.
- Guaranteed solutions
- Ongoing Prevention Service
Most common tick species in U.S.
The common species of ticks found in the U.S. include:
- Blacklegged or Deer ticks – which are the common carriers of Lyme Disease
- American dog ticks
- Rocky mountain wood tick – carriers of the dangerous Rocky mountain spotted fever
- Gulf coast tick
- Brown dog tick
- Lone star tick
Tick-borne diseases
There are several diseases ticks carry and can transmit to humans or other animals. Common diseases are:
- Lyme disease
- Rocky mountain spotted fever
- Colorado tick fever
- Typhus – various forms are known to be from ticks
- Tick paralysis
Tick behavior and biology
Ticks go through several life stages and each stage involves feasting on blood. When an adult tick reaches its final stage, it climbs to the top of a tall blade of grass or other vegetation and extends its two front legs in a method known as questing.
Ticks can detect body heat and body odors associated with warm-blooded creatures that it requires for food purposes. When a suitable host brushes against them tiny hooks on their front legs latch on and they then crawl around to find a suitable spot to cut a hole in the skin and start to feed.
Ticks are small and usually black or brown in color.
Where can you find ticks?
The blacklegged, commonly known as deer ticks are widely distributed across the eastern United States. This tick aside from the American dog tick is probably the most well-known tick in North America, ranging in most of the midwest and eastern portion of the Unites States. Most ticks live outdoors on logs, high grass, woodpiles, deserts, and even beaches. However, brown dog ticks are known to thrive indoors, but can also thrive outdoors as well.
How do pets get ticks?
Your pet is a part of your family, and like any member of your family, you want your pet to live a full and healthy life. Taking your dog out for walks, and interacting with other pets in the neighborhood or dog park while normal and healthy, will only attract pests like ticks to feast on your dog.
Ticks are also well known to be Lyme disease carriers and can carry a lot of other bacteria as well, so it’s important to stay keep you and your pet protected.
- Being outside – a simple trip to the vet or a dog park is enough for ticks to feast on your pet.
- Your garden – if you have a garden that attracts pests, you may want to consider tick repelling plants, or use products for your plants to ward of ticks
- Other animals – your pet can get ticks from just being around other animals like raccoons, squirrels, and even rodents
Tick eggs
Tick eggs mark the beginning of the tick life cycle. It goes from eggs to larvae to nymphs and adult. A female tick can lay up to 18,000 eggs in her lifetime, however since a tick’s life is very short, they will die after laying their eggs.
Before getting into how eggs are laid for different species of ticks, there is one thing you should know. There are two different types of ticks: hard ticks and soft ticks. The main difference between the two is the presence of a scutum or shield. Hard ticks will have this shield and soft ticks will not. In fact, soft ticks will have a leathery cuticle in its place.
Soft ticks, however, will survive after laying their eggs. Soft tick eggs will live on consuming blood, either from a human or an animal, and will continue to lay eggs until she dies. Hard ticks, on the other hand, will lay their eggs outside in the ground during spring. Brown dog ticks will lay indoors.
If you find tick eggs in your home, please call Lady Killers Pest Control Exterminator to get rid of them. While there are DIY techniques, you will never find the root cause until you hire a professional. Lady Killers Pest Control pest specialists are trained to inspect any property for tick eggs and can offer solutions that will prevent them from returning.
Fleas vs. ticks
Many people confuse fleas with ticks, so here are some key differences between the two.
- Related to spiders
- They are bigger than fleas, about ¼ -⅛ inch long
- They can have multiple hosts; from humans to snakes to dogs.
- Ticks can lay thousands of eggs at one time, wow!
- Carries multiple diseases
- Can lay up to 40 eggs a day
- Can live up to 100 days and will have one host
- Carries tapeworm and baronellosis
Tick removal techniques
If you find ticks on you the most common method to remove them is using tweezers. Thin, fine-nosed tweezers should be placed as close to the skin as possible and a firm grip placed on the tick’s head. Do not twist or bend the tick, to prevent mouth parts left behind that can cause further infection, but use a quick upward motion to remove them. Wash the bite area and use anti-bacterial medication to prevent infestations.
Tick prevention
There are several things you can do to prevent ticks:
- Remove vegetation, Ticks love long grass and vegetation, so keep it away from your property and avoid it as much as possible.
- Use DEET. Not only helps with mosquitoes, but effective against ticks, too.
- Tuck socks into pants and wear long sleeves. Ticks want bare skin.
- Wearing longs sleeves gives them nothing to dine on.
- Wear light colored clothing. That way you can more easily spot ticks and remove them.